Saturday, February 03, 2007

Five Tunes To Die For

A meme! A meme! My kingdom for a meme. I've just been meme-tagged by Deacon Barry. The meme is "Five Songs To Be Played At My Funeral." Deacon has an eclectic selection of music. I am not so sure that mine will be quite so interesting. Well, here we go. I will provide a link, (when I can find one), so people can listen to a version of the song if they wish. So here are the five songs in no particular order.

And if all else fails, I will just have a viking funeral.

A Viking Funeral

I will now tag Krystalline Apostate, Ted, Stardust, Dikkii and Coffee Messiah.

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  1. No worries Beep, i'll get back to you shortly...:)

  2. Thanks for the tag.
    It's up and ready for you to see/hear if you want!
    Cheers from the USA!

  3. I'm surprised that the Doors "The End" was not included in the 5 songs since you are a devoted fan of the late Jim Morrison. That would be #1 on my list!--Internet Infidel

  4. Agh, tagged again!
    Problem is, this is inapplicable, since I'm immortal.
    Hadn't you heard? ;)

  5. At last! A play list where I know all the songs.

  6. RE infidel

    It is true that I am a huge Doors fan, but the song "the end" is such a sad song. Aparts from that, it always reminds me of a friend from my teenage years whose cat died, and he used to play that song and think about his beloved pussy cat.

    So whenever I hear that song, I always think of that guy and his cat.

  7. Thanks to those who participated. If you weren't tagged, but would like to carry on this meme, please feel free to do so, and link to someone, so we can all read it. :)

  8. Mine's up too...:)

  9. I'll be surprised if I escape this meme untagged.

    I like this comment on the Dream a Little Dream thread:

    If Cass had just shared that ham sandwich with Karen Carpenter, they would both be alive today.

  10. Hahahah BEAJ, you are a bad bugger.

  11. Mine's up.

    Yours is a good selection, BTW.

  12. "Always look on the bright side of life". There's a classic! I might have to have to have that one too. I used to think I'd want all these meloncholy numbers, but the older I get and the more funerals I attend, the more I like hearing the stuff that makes people smile.

  13. RE blueberry

    Those are my thoughts too. I would prefer to be remembered with a smile than with a tear.

  14. Yes, Eva Cassidy was an atheist.
