Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Jabberwock's Five Quotes


Tne five favourite quotes for today are:

  • "The place has changed but little since Diana received the homage of her worshippers in the sacred grove. The temple of the sylvan goddess, indeed, has vanished and the King of the Wood no longer stands sentinel over the Golden Bough." - Sir James George Frazer
  • "Begin at the beginning,and go on till you come to the end: then stop." - Lewis Carroll
  • "Moreover, the universe as a whole is infinite, for whatever is limited has an outermost edge to limit it, and such an edge is defined by something beyond. Since the universe has no edge, it has no limit; and since it lacks a limit, it is infinite and unbounded. Moreover, the universe is infinite both in the number of its atoms and in the extent of its void." - Epicurus
  • "Dubito ergo cogito; cogito ergo sum." (I doubt, therefore I think; I think therefore I am) - Rene Descartes
  • "A chicken is just an egg's way of making another egg." - Anonymous
As `twas brillig, and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe, I now tag Eternity Considered, Five Public Opinions , At the Hillocks of Hysteria , Coffee Messiah and Texas Oasis.

Now I will rest by the Tumtum tree, And stand awhile in thought. But beware the vorpal sword for those who do not participate in this meme. ;)

This is an audio reading of the poem 'Jabberwocky' written by Lewis Carroll.

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  1. Hey, good dealie-o, doll.
    The Descartes quote is of interest, as I've a...thought experiment prepped for mañana, involving that same quote (sorta).

  2. Ooooo! Looks fun... and challenging!!

  3. Hi ya! Been having some "browser" problems and will respond Tue! ; )

  4. I sometimes think Descartes was down the rabbit hole, but it's only because at first I doubted it.

    The Frazer quote feels quite sad to me right now.


  5. RE michael

    Frazer was an interesting guy. He was an anthropologist who is probably best known for his works called "The Golden Bough."

    "The Golden Bough attempts to define what almost all ancient religions share with each other, and with modern religions such as Christianity. Its thesis is that ancient religions were fertility cults that centred around the worship of, and periodic sacrifice of, a sacred king, the incarnation of a dying and reviving god, a solar deity who underwent a mystic marriage to a goddess of the earth, and who died at the harvest and who was reincarnated in the spring. Frazer claims that this legend is central to almost all of the world's mythologies. The germ for Frazer's thesis was the pre-Roman priest-king at the fane of Nemi in a sacred wood, who was ritually murdered by his successor."

  6. Thanks for that background on Frazer.

    The story of The Stag King retells that tale quite beautifully. I've no recollection of the author's name though.

    Oh, and if you ever come across Mythago Wood, I highly rec it. Dark and disturbing it is, and a helluva cool diversion from reality even whilst providing some interesting factual background on the evolution of myths on the British isles.

  7. RE michael:

    No worries.

