"Thick as a Brick" or Lego Navels?

Labels: adam, belly buttons, bible, brick testament, creation, eve, garden of eden, navels
"Begin at the beginning,and go on till you come to the end: then stop." (Lewis Carroll, 1832-1896)
Alice came to a fork in the road. "Which road do I take?" she asked."Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat."I don't know," Alice answered."Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."
"So long as I get somewhere," Alice added as an explanation. "Oh, you're sure to do that," said the Cat, "if you only walk long enough."
"All right," said the Cat; and this time it vanished quite slowly, beginning with the end of the tail, and ending with the grin, which remained some time after the rest of it had gone. "Well! I've often seen a cat without a grin," thought Alice; "but a grin without a cat! It's the most curious thing I ever saw in my life!"
I am diagonally parked in a parallel universe. Like Arthur Dent from "Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy", if you do not have a Babel Fish in your ear this blog will be completely unintelligible to you and will read something like this: "boggle, google, snoggle, slurp, slurp, dingleberry to the power of 10". Fortunately, those who have had the Babel Fish inserted in their ear, will understood this blog perfectly. If you are familiar with this technology, you will know that the Babel Fish lives on brainwave radiation. It excretes energy in the form of exactly the correct brainwaves needed by its host to understand what was just said; or in this case, what was read. The Babel Fish, thanks to scientific research, reverses the problem defined by its namesake in the Tower of Babel, where a deity was supposedly inspired to confuse the human race by making them unable to understand each other.
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Labels: adam, belly buttons, bible, brick testament, creation, eve, garden of eden, navels
Wow, I almost gave up :)
I've always found it more enjoyable to contemplate another's navel. My own is far too misinformative, if indeed a bit less troublesome.
Actually, I was wondering if Adam had a penis. After all.. would he have needed one when he was created? (No women)
If he had one (plus testicles) then it wouldn't have been surprising that he longed for female company.
If he didn't have one, at what point did God add it? "Here's a penis, go forth and multiply."?
HI Jonzie and Michael. Yeah, the only thing I have to do now is to make sure I post some more articles :)
RE: anonymous
Good point about the penis. It wasn't until later on that god decided he needed a "helpmate."
So, it seems 1. no belly buttons and no penis or testicles.
Well, to be frank, the later always looked a bit like afterthoughts.
Afterthoughts! Guess that explains how when peops say "grow some balls, man!" what they usually really mean is "go ahead, do something stupid!"
Welcome back to the blogosphere! It's changed a bit since I last saw you.
Did any of you happen to ask these important questions to any Sunday School teachers in your younger days?
RE: Bruce
Thanks and yeah.. I noticed, not sure if I will be able to keep up!
RE: 1minion
I know I didn't. But then I had trouble believing them anyway, in any sort of literal sense.
that was a surprise.... welcome back!
RE: tribble
Thanks for the welcome back and nice to see you too!
Hehehe, VERY Wonderful, Fun & well said!! :-)
Welcome back! I haven't deleted your link. Go to furry friends blogs for another old friend.
Hi, Nice blog. It is very interesting. :)
Thanks for sharing this one. It is very interesting.
Navals are cool. I like poking mine.
How did I miss this? Welcome back to blogging, Beep. Blog again soon.
Damn! I was beginning to worry. I'll check back sooner next time.
re. Adam's nut sack:
Would be of no purpose before the creation of woman.
Eve was created from a rib.
What part did God recycle to make testicles?
Beep has left the world, I'm sorry to say. She died April 23, 2010 after fighting cancer for an extended time. I miss her.
oh no...!
i didn't know she wasn't well.
oh no...
Farewell Beep!Beep!
Gone to the Earth.
In a few billion years,
when the Earth has burned,
all of us, starstuff,
who have contemplated the universe,
will be out among the stars
once again.
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Oh Beep, I will miss you dearly, so sad you're not on this earth anymore.
Love, Jonzie.
Good going bro
I guess this was actually your last post then...)
Thanks so much, for that succinct and uplifting blog. What a refreshing change,
nice post.thanks for sharing.
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OMG, your Blog is STILL here!! :-D I remember you well...I used to comment back in 2006. :-P CUTE & FUN POST!! :-) Hopefully you post again SOON!! I will LINK you on my website, as well. :-)
thank you for sharing
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