Sunday, April 15, 2007

My Chance To Be An "Intelligent Designer"

My contribution to the competition - 'DarwinFish Burp' by Ms Beep

"We’re having a competition to see who can come up with the next best Darwin fish design. So long as it cleverly incorporates that telltale fish profile, all ideas are game. Send us doodles, polished Illustrator files, graffiti art, whatever. We don’t care as long as it’s got an almond-shaped body, a tail and a certain wittiness."
Other entries in the competition can be found here.

A hotly contested debate like this can obviously only be settled with a ritual such as "The Fish Slapping Dance" by Monty Python.


  1. Yeah, if I saw that on the back of someone's car, I might have an anger aneurism.

  2. I like it!! I looked at the others and think you've got a "leg to stand on", so to speak!

    I had an idea or two but there are already some there that are similar enough.

  3. pip:

    Thanks. Not too controversial?


    Surely not. It is only a bumper sticker?

  4. blueberry:

    The question is: If I won the competition, would that make me famous or infamous? ;)

  5. I'm with blueberry. Nothing to controversial, with just the right amount of cheek...:)

  6. Very cute! I like that satisfied burp!

  7. That's an esteemed company of judges.

    Would your one work as a metal thing as well as a bumper sticker?

  8. Why would the evolving fish eat the Jesus fish? There's nothing really there, so he won't gain any sustenance from it.

  9. lt:

    I think the darwin fish was hungry. I hear fish is very good for you. ;)


    I dunno. It would work ok as a sticker and I am sure some designer who knows more about that sort of thing than I do, could easily turn it into a metal design.

  10. discordian:

    That's a good point.

  11. I really do like yours the best, although the ID fish carrying the cross was also pretty good.

  12. alison

    Thanks. I also like the 113 and 125

  13. beepbeep,

    This is off topic, but our Australian citizens able to buy guns at gun stores with an identification card?

  14. beepbeep,

    This is off topic, but our Australian citizens able to buy guns at gun stores with an identification card?

  15. confused

    My understanding is that you need to apply for a permit, licence in order to own or purchase a firearm.

    This isn't usually any problem unless you have a criminal record.

    The conditions can be found here:

  16. rosie:

    Hey, long time no see. Thanks for dropping by. :)
