"Begin at the beginning,and go on till you come to the end: then stop." (Lewis Carroll, 1832-1896)

Alice came to a fork in the road. "Which road do I take?" she asked."Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat."I don't know," Alice answered."Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

"So long as I get somewhere," Alice added as an explanation. "Oh, you're sure to do that," said the Cat, "if you only walk long enough."

"All right," said the Cat; and this time it vanished quite slowly, beginning with the end of the tail, and ending with the grin, which remained some time after the rest of it had gone. "Well! I've often seen a cat without a grin," thought Alice; "but a grin without a cat! It's the most curious thing I ever saw in my life!"

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Location: Australia

I am diagonally parked in a parallel universe. Like Arthur Dent from "Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy", if you do not have a Babel Fish in your ear this blog will be completely unintelligible to you and will read something like this: "boggle, google, snoggle, slurp, slurp, dingleberry to the power of 10". Fortunately, those who have had the Babel Fish inserted in their ear, will understood this blog perfectly. If you are familiar with this technology, you will know that the Babel Fish lives on brainwave radiation. It excretes energy in the form of exactly the correct brainwaves needed by its host to understand what was just said; or in this case, what was read. The Babel Fish, thanks to scientific research, reverses the problem defined by its namesake in the Tower of Babel, where a deity was supposedly inspired to confuse the human race by making them unable to understand each other.


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Monday, August 07, 2006

Are You The Antichrist? Test Here...

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George Walker Bush IS the Antichrist! Here's proof: Write "George Walker Bush" as separate words. Transliterate the result into Hebrew: גיערגי ולכיר בוש.

Alternately add and subtract the numerical values of the letters in each word, then take the absolute value of the result. Add together the numerical values of each word.

The result is
616! Did you know that in the earliest manuscripts of the Bible 616 is the number of the beast? It's true! Plus, wouldn't it make perfect sense for the Enemy to disguise his true face all these years by getting people to believe in the wrong Bible? Don't be deceived! Now you have absolute PROOF that George Walker Bush is the Antichrist!

From Anonymoses : ~
What Would The Antichrist Do ?

Beatitudes of the Antichrist

  • Blessed are the arrogant: for theirs is the Kingdom of Selfishness.
  • Blessed are the strong, for they will dominate the earth.
  • Blessed are they who cause mourning: for they shall spread discomfort.
  • Blessed are they who thwart justice: for they shall get away with it.
  • Blessed are the merciless: for they shall obtain money.
  • Blessed are the mean: for they shall ignore God.
  • Blessed are the warmakers: for they shall be called the children of Satan.
  • Blessed are they that persecute for injustice' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of Hell.

What would the Antichrist do? He would start wars, kill people, be haughty and arrogant, ignore the poor, send the poor and downtrodden off to die in his war for Mammon and self-aggrandizement.

He would lie, cheat and steal to get his way. He would pollute and denigrate the environment, and the people who depend on it. He would bury the truth, and spin, spin, spin.

He would not walk among but poor, but rather wall himself away from them. Washington is full of candidates for the position of Antichrist-in-Chief, and many are willing lackeys for sub-positions.

Too bad God is dead, because he or she would have had a field day throwing these mousy little antichrists out on their ass. And yet there they sit. Asses as wide as Texas.





Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, and I thought your other site was stupid, but this one is truly insane. You're just pure evil, period. Well, you'll be here to see things that will make your eyes pop just before you realize everything you've said is wrong and your fate is sealed.


7/8/06 2:31 pm  
Blogger beepbeepitsme said...

RE anonymous:

Awww did diddums get his panties in a bunch?

I knew you'd get around to "sending me to hell" eventually.

Most "god bothers" seem to get their collective rocks off that way.

7/8/06 2:43 pm  
Blogger beepbeepitsme said...

Correction: >> "God botherers"

I love that term. I figure that even on the offchance that a god did exist, he/she or it would have nothing to do with these people either.

7/8/06 2:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO Beep, should I be worried that apparently my WIFE is the Antichrist? (I started plugging random names in, she is the Antichrist). Oh, but wait... so is my best friend... and my other best friend... and another good friend... and my brother in law...

I plugged in about 8 names, and 7 of them came back as the Antichrist.

The best part is that I plugged in Madison May Crandall (the name of my DOG), and she too is apparently the antichrist.

Man, I'm screwed, since the only person that wasn't listed as an antichrist was my Dad... and he's a Zen Existentialist, so he's no help.


What a load of shit lol.


7/8/06 4:02 pm  
Blogger beepbeepitsme said...

RE: olly:
Yeah.. but it makes the "god botherers'" heads spin round while they spew green vomit, so all in good fun if you ask me. :)

7/8/06 4:28 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha true enought, that's ALWAYS a good enough reason!!!


7/8/06 11:16 pm  
Blogger Snave said...

There are several Antichrists, according to this test. Thankfully, the Antichrist is not ME. A few others this works for are:

Ronald Wilson Reagan

George Walker Bush

Jesus Christ

I can't get tht thing to work for William Jefferson Clinton or Hillary Rodham Clinton, but I choose to believe that is the fault of my computer, not the names I entered.

8/8/06 3:04 am  
Blogger Krystalline Apostate said...

I read elsewhere, that via Gematria, that since WWW = Vau Vau Vau, ergo, the world wide web is the anti-christ.
Whatta giggle!

Hey, Anon!
Well, you'll be here to see things that will make your eyes pop just before you realize everything you've said is wrong and your fate is sealed.
Does that mean you'll be 'raptured' fairly soon? (1 can only hope)

8/8/06 8:51 am  
Blogger Dikkii said...

I used to play in a band called The God Botherers.

Well we thought the name was cool, anyway.

8/8/06 9:22 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think beepbeep is evil, necessarily. She's probably just looking for meaning as are the rest of us, and finding it in an ideology that attempts to deconstruct popular opinion. My guess is that if society was predominantly atheist, beep beep would be a theist......

9/8/06 7:44 am  
Blogger beepbeepitsme said...

RE the troll: "She's probably just looking for meaning as are the rest of us, and finding it in an ideology that attempts to deconstruct popular opinion."

I have found meaning. The meaning of life is life. Or in another way ~~
"Life is without meaning. You bring the meaning to it. The meaning of life is Whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning." Joseph Campbell

This is the opposite of the theist view, which is: "The meaning of life is death. Or, everything will become clear to you when you are dead."

(Anyone else notice the particular flaw in that argument?)

9/8/06 11:37 am  
Blogger Snave said...

Dikii, that IS a COOL NAME!!! Better than the name of the band I am in now (Standard Deviation)!

9/8/06 1:10 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't waste your reason, dualistic will is where a true moral stance can be adopted.

both embracing an idea of infinite conscious in death, and a life owed to the present to have been endowed by God, this does not understand life but sees it whilst it understands transience in that death is ever flowing and can enter at times into the present.

This reasoning exists in others so it exists as a form of reason itself. (peace to everyone in the room)

10/8/06 7:37 am  
Blogger beepbeepitsme said...

RE: "don't waste your reason, dualistic will is where a true moral stance can be adopted."

And then you go on to say how what you are saying is using reason. So, am I understand that this is the situation? ~

"It is ok when namaste tries to use reason to support their argument, but it is not ok if I use reason to rebut their argument."

That sort of intellectual inconsistency in an argument gets you a D-.

OK, let's look at the second half of the first claim.

RE "dualistic will is where a true moral stance can be adopted."

Firstly I am not too sure what you mean by "the dualistic will." I will suppose that by "the dualistic will", you mean the belief in theology that there are two basic opposing principles, such as good, and evil.

Therefore when you use "dualistic will" you must mean "good and evil" as created by god?

So, let's look at the initial claim again. ~ "don't waste your reason, dualistic will is where a true moral stance can be adopted."

If I extract the "woo woo language" from that claim I think it translates like this: ~

TRANSLATION: ~ "Reason is worthless, the only way you can have morality is through believing in god."

This is the usual claim which most have us have heard only a million times or so before.

1. Evidence for your god.
2. Evidence that your god did it.

I have NO idea what the middle paragraph means, so you will have to come back and translate that from "woo woo language" for me.

Onto the last paragragh of your set of claims where you basically say that because other people have the same idea as you do, that that proves that your idea is correct.

Just the usual logical fallacy of argument from popularity. This is the notion that if a lot of believers believe something, it must be true or correct.

You see this is where "THE REASON PART" kicks in, or the part in which you appear to be lacking.

The majority of people (at one stage) believed that if you sailed far enough, you would sail off the edge of the world. The majority of people WERE WRONG.

Please feel free to come back to translate this for me.

"both embracing an idea of infinite conscious in death, and a life owed to the present to have been endowed by God, this does not understand life but sees it whilst it understands transience in that death is ever flowing and can enter at times into the present."

Just a suggestion:~
Circular arguments will NOT be tolerated and arguments from popularity will not be tolerated either.

But knock yourself out. Provide evidence for your claims.

10/8/06 10:34 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"namaste said...
don't waste your reason, dualistic will is where a true moral stance can be adopted.

both embracing an idea of infinite conscious in death, and a life owed to the present to have been endowed by God, this does not understand life but sees it whilst it understands transience in that death is ever flowing and can enter at times into the present.

This reasoning exists in others so it exists as a form of reason itself. (peace to everyone in the room)"

If you honestly believe that the only way that a true moral stance can be adopted is through dualism (and I"m assuming you are talking about mind/body dualism with a God force as the bridge, as espoused by Spinoza and others, and based on Descartes), then you need to seriously start reading. There are MANY other ways to base morality, and guess what... SOME of them don't even require some supernatural being in order to work!

Take a look at a post of mine, it's a non-dualistic, non-theistic argument for combatting relativism.

Link Here


11/8/06 8:43 am  
Blogger Krystalline Apostate said...

both embracing an idea of infinite conscious in death, and a life owed to the present to have been endowed by God, this does not understand life but sees it whilst it understands transience in that death is ever flowing and can enter at times into the present.
Theistspeak translation: "I do SO get to be immortal!"
Interesting nick, BTW. You Hindi, Sikh, or Gusrati?

12/8/06 7:51 am  
Blogger beepbeepitsme said...

RE ra and olly: Thanks for interpretting the woo woo language.
I am not sure what they mean a lot of the time, and I am not sure they do either.

21/8/06 11:42 am  

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