The Creation Of Gods And Other Human Habits
Human beings design intelligent designers :~
They use a process which although logically flawed, goes much like this.
- 1. Human beings design things.
- 2. Human beings are intelligent beings who design things.
- 3. Human beings are intelligent beings because they have a capacity to learn, reason, and understand.
- 4. Human beings although they are intelligent, did not design the universe.
- 5. Human beings did not design the universe because they are not intelligent enough.
- 6. If intelligent humans did not design the universe, then it must have been a being which is more intelligent than humans.
- 7. Human beings then go on to imagine and design an intelligent being which is intelligent enough to design the universe.
- 8. Human beings then decide that the degree of intelligence which is required to design the universe is omniscience because in order to design everything, the being must know everything.
- 9. Human beings having designed an omniscient being which is capable of designing the universe as it knows everything, then proceed to call this being god.
- 10. Human beings then go on to imagine what this god must be like. It must be like us, but better in everyway than us. Afterall, we know what we would need in order to design the universe. Therefore our god designer must be like us; but the superdooper version of us. It must be like us, but on supernatural steroids.
a. Therefore it is not just intelligent like us, it is omniscient.
b. It is not just benevolent like us, but omnibenevolent.
c. It is not just powerful like us, but omnipotent.
d. It is not just in this one place in time and space like us, but omnipresent.
e. It is not just in the natural world like us, but in a supernatural realm.
(Humans attribute these characteristics to this being because they know that they lack these qualities, and these qualities must be what a being would need in order to create everything.)
- 11. Human beings then go on to claim that because they are capable of imagining and designing a being which is capable of these things and of having these attributes and characteristics, that this is because the being created human beings. Or, because they can imagine and construct epistomologically such a being, it must be because the being actually exists.
- 12. Some human beings even go on to claim that the being created humans in its image instead of the more obvious, where human beings, being intelligent, but not omniscient, created the concept of an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent god.
"We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes." - Gene Roddenberry
(PS: ~ There is a free cookie/biscuit for the people who can state the deliberate logical fallacies in the constructed argument.)
intelligent design gods design intelligence omniscient ID omniscience